11/15/17 Dr. Greg Hageman, University of Utah
12/13/17 Sensory Centers Retreat – Center for Vision Research, Center for Smell & Taste, Hearing Research Center, and Pain Research Center
1/17/18 Dr. Federico Gonzalez, University at Buffalo
2/5/18 Ocular Inflammation Symposium — All day symposium (8:00 am – 5:00 pm) LG-101A
Westley Reeves, “Clinical perspective on autoimmune diseases”
Augusto Miravalle, “Autoimmune disease in the brain”
Jim Rosenbaum “Clinical perspective on uveitis and ocular autoimmune disease”
Lucia Sobrin, “Diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune retinopathy and cancer-associated retinopathy”
Cristhian Ildefonso, “Immunology of neurodegenerative diseases”
Daniel Saban, “Cellular and molecular mechanisms that contribute to pathogenic immunity in ophthalmic disease”
Andrew Dick, “The response of the retina to injury, inflammation and degeneration”
Janet Davis, “Inflammatory issues related to gene therapy vectors delivered to the eye”
Wanda Martinez, TBD
Rachel Caspi, “Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in T cell-mediated, tissue-specific autoimmunity”
Joseph Larkin, “Suppressors of cytokine signaling family of intracellular proteins (SOCS) in regulating cellular responsiveness to cytokines”
Caryn Plummer “Ocular immune diseases in horses”
2/19/18 Dr. Tomas Aleman, University of Pennsylvania
3/21/18 Dr. Shusheng Wang, Tulane University
4/18/18 Dr. Sylvia Smith, Augusta University